
Detailed Description

 #include "mb.h" 

This module defines the interface for the application. It contains the basic functions and types required to use the Modbus protocol stack. A typical application will want to call eMBInit() first. If the device is ready to answer network requests it must then call eMBEnable() to activate the protocol stack. In the main loop the function eMBPoll() must be called periodically. The time interval between pooling depends on the configured Modbus timeout. If an RTOS is available a separate task should be created and the task should always call the function eMBPoll().

 // Initialize protocol stack in RTU mode for a slave with address 10 = 0x0A
 eMBInit( MB_RTU, 0x0A, 38400, MB_PAR_EVEN );
 // Enable the Modbus Protocol Stack.
 eMBEnable(  );
 for( ;; )
     // Call the main polling loop of the Modbus protocol stack.
     eMBPoll(  );




enum  eMBMode { MB_RTU, MB_ASCII, MB_TCP }
enum  eMBRegisterMode { MB_REG_READ, MB_REG_WRITE }
enum  eMBErrorCode {


eMBErrorCode eMBInit (eMBMode eMode, UCHAR ucSlaveAddress, UCHAR ucPort, ULONG ulBaudRate, eMBParity eParity)
eMBErrorCode eMBTCPInit (USHORT usTCPPort)
eMBErrorCode eMBClose (void)
eMBErrorCode eMBEnable (void)
eMBErrorCode eMBDisable (void)
eMBErrorCode eMBPoll (void)
eMBErrorCode eMBSetSlaveID (UCHAR ucSlaveID, BOOL xIsRunning, UCHAR const *pucAdditional, USHORT usAdditionalLen)
eMBErrorCode eMBRegisterCB (UCHAR ucFunctionCode, pxMBFunctionHandler pxHandler)

Define Documentation


Use the default Modbus TCP port (502).

MCF5235TCP/demo.c, STR71XTCP/demo.c, and WIN32TCP/demo.cpp.

Enumeration Type Documentation

enum eMBErrorCode

Errorcodes used by all function in the protocol stack.

Enumeration values:
MB_ENOERR  no error.
MB_ENOREG  illegal register address.
MB_EINVAL  illegal argument.
MB_EPORTERR  porting layer error.
MB_ENORES  insufficient resources.
MB_EIO  I/O error.
MB_EILLSTATE  protocol stack in illegal state.
MB_ETIMEDOUT  timeout error occurred.
AT91SAM7X_ROWLEY/demo.c, AVR/demo.c, LINUX/demo.c, MCF5235/demo.c, MCF5235TCP/demo.c, MSP430/demo.c, STR71X/simple2.c, STR71XTCP/demo.c, WIN32/demo.cpp, and WIN32TCP/demo.cpp.

enum eMBMode

Modbus serial transmission modes (RTU/ASCII).

Modbus serial supports two transmission modes. Either ASCII or RTU. RTU is faster but has more hardware requirements and requires a network with a low jitter. ASCII is slower and more reliable on slower links (E.g. modems)

Enumeration values:
MB_RTU  RTU transmission mode.
MB_ASCII  ASCII transmission mode.
MB_TCP  TCP mode.

enum eMBParity

Parity used for characters in serial mode.

The parity which should be applied to the characters sent over the serial link. Please note that this values are actually passed to the porting layer and therefore not all parity modes might be available.

Enumeration values:
MB_PAR_NONE  No parity.
MB_PAR_ODD  Odd parity.
MB_PAR_EVEN  Even parity.

enum eMBRegisterMode

If register should be written or read.

This value is passed to the callback functions which support either reading or writing register values. Writing means that the application registers should be updated and reading means that the modbus protocol stack needs to know the current register values.

See also:
eMBRegHoldingCB( ), eMBRegCoilsCB( ), eMBRegDiscreteCB( ) and eMBRegInputCB( ).
Enumeration values:
MB_REG_READ  Read register values and pass to protocol stack.
MB_REG_WRITE  Update register values.
AT91SAM7X_ROWLEY/demo.c, AVR/demo.c, LINUX/demo.c, MCF5235/demo.c, MCF5235TCP/demo.c, MSP430/demo.c, STR71X/simple2.c, STR71XTCP/demo.c, WIN32/demo.cpp, and WIN32TCP/demo.cpp.

Function Documentation

eMBErrorCode eMBClose void   ) 

Release resources used by the protocol stack.

This function disables the Modbus protocol stack and release all hardware resources. It must only be called when the protocol stack is disabled.

Note all ports implement this function. A port which wants to get an callback must define the macro MB_PORT_HAS_CLOSE to 1.
If the resources where released it return eMBErrorCode::MB_ENOERR. If the protocol stack is not in the disabled state it returns eMBErrorCode::MB_EILLSTATE.
LINUX/demo.c, MCF5235TCP/demo.c, STR71XTCP/demo.c, WIN32/demo.cpp, and WIN32TCP/demo.cpp.

eMBErrorCode eMBDisable void   ) 

Disable the Modbus protocol stack.

This function disables processing of Modbus frames.

If the protocol stack has been disabled it returns eMBErrorCode::MB_ENOERR. If it was not in the enabled state it returns eMBErrorCode::MB_EILLSTATE.
LINUX/demo.c, MCF5235TCP/demo.c, STR71XTCP/demo.c, WIN32/demo.cpp, and WIN32TCP/demo.cpp.

eMBErrorCode eMBEnable void   ) 

Enable the Modbus protocol stack.

This function enables processing of Modbus frames. Enabling the protocol stack is only possible if it is in the disabled state.

If the protocol stack is now in the state enabled it returns eMBErrorCode::MB_ENOERR. If it was not in the disabled state it return eMBErrorCode::MB_EILLSTATE.
AT91SAM7X_ROWLEY/demo.c, AVR/demo.c, LINUX/demo.c, MCF5235/demo.c, MCF5235TCP/demo.c, MSP430/demo.c, STR71X/simple2.c, STR71XTCP/demo.c, WIN32/demo.cpp, and WIN32TCP/demo.cpp.

eMBErrorCode eMBInit eMBMode  eMode,
UCHAR  ucSlaveAddress,
UCHAR  ucPort,
ULONG  ulBaudRate,
eMBParity  eParity

Initialize the Modbus protocol stack.

This functions initializes the ASCII or RTU module and calls the init functions of the porting layer to prepare the hardware. Please note that the receiver is still disabled and no Modbus frames are processed until eMBEnable( ) has been called.

eMode If ASCII or RTU mode should be used.
ucSlaveAddress The slave address. Only frames sent to this address or to the broadcast address are processed.
ucPort The port to use. E.g. 1 for COM1 on windows. This value is platform dependent and some ports simply choose to ignore it.
ulBaudRate The baudrate. E.g. 19200. Supported baudrates depend on the porting layer.
eParity Parity used for serial transmission.
If no error occurs the function returns eMBErrorCode::MB_ENOERR. The protocol is then in the disabled state and ready for activation by calling eMBEnable( ). Otherwise one of the following error codes is returned:
AT91SAM7X_ROWLEY/demo.c, AVR/demo.c, LINUX/demo.c, MCF5235/demo.c, MSP430/demo.c, STR71X/simple2.c, and WIN32/demo.cpp.

eMBErrorCode eMBPoll void   ) 

The main pooling loop of the Modbus protocol stack.

This function must be called periodically. The timer interval required is given by the application dependent Modbus slave timeout. Internally the function calls xMBPortEventGet() and waits for an event from the receiver or transmitter state machines.

If the protocol stack is not in the enabled state the function returns eMBErrorCode::MB_EILLSTATE. Otherwise it returns eMBErrorCode::MB_ENOERR.
AT91SAM7X_ROWLEY/demo.c, AVR/demo.c, LINUX/demo.c, MCF5235/demo.c, MCF5235TCP/demo.c, MSP430/demo.c, STR71X/simple2.c, STR71XTCP/demo.c, WIN32/demo.cpp, and WIN32TCP/demo.cpp.

eMBErrorCode eMBRegisterCB UCHAR  ucFunctionCode,
pxMBFunctionHandler  pxHandler

Registers a callback handler for a given function code.

This function registers a new callback handler for a given function code. The callback handler supplied is responsible for interpreting the Modbus PDU and the creation of an appropriate response. In case of an error it should return one of the possible Modbus exceptions which results in a Modbus exception frame sent by the protocol stack.

ucFunctionCode The Modbus function code for which this handler should be registers. Valid function codes are in the range 1 to 127.
pxHandler The function handler which should be called in case such a frame is received. If NULL a previously registered function handler for this function code is removed.
eMBErrorCode::MB_ENOERR if the handler has been installed. If no more resources are available it returns eMBErrorCode::MB_ENORES. In this case the values in mbconfig.h should be adjusted. If the argument was not valid it returns eMBErrorCode::MB_EINVAL.

eMBErrorCode eMBSetSlaveID UCHAR  ucSlaveID,
BOOL  xIsRunning,
UCHAR const *  pucAdditional,
USHORT  usAdditionalLen

Configure the slave id of the device.

This function should be called when the Modbus function Report Slave ID is enabled ( By defining MB_FUNC_OTHER_REP_SLAVEID_ENABLED in mbconfig.h ).

ucSlaveID Values is returned in the Slave ID byte of the Report Slave ID response.
xIsRunning If TRUE the Run Indicator Status byte is set to 0xFF. otherwise the Run Indicator Status is 0x00.
pucAdditional Values which should be returned in the Additional bytes of the Report Slave ID response.
usAdditionalLen Length of the buffer pucAdditonal.
If the static buffer defined by MB_FUNC_OTHER_REP_SLAVEID_BUF in mbconfig.h is to small it returns eMBErrorCode::MB_ENORES. Otherwise it returns eMBErrorCode::MB_ENOERR.
AVR/demo.c, LINUX/demo.c, MCF5235/demo.c, and WIN32/demo.cpp.

eMBErrorCode eMBTCPInit USHORT  usTCPPort  ) 

Initialize the Modbus protocol stack for Modbus TCP.

This function initializes the Modbus TCP Module. Please note that frame processing is still disabled until eMBEnable( ) is called.

usTCPPort The TCP port to listen on.
If the protocol stack has been initialized correctly the function returns eMBErrorCode::MB_ENOERR. Otherwise one of the following error codes is returned:
MCF5235TCP/demo.c, STR71XTCP/demo.c, and WIN32TCP/demo.cpp.

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